AUDREY PHILLIPS | Available Paintings
I have indicated paintings to let you all know which galleries want them. In addition to these images, I'll be sharing images of pieces all galleries have on hand that are ready for change out. These works might be new to your gallery.
So if you see something here you like and someone has "liked" it, you can add it to your list and that will help me manage what work goes to which gallery.
Timeline is important. I hope to ship these on Friday morning. I'd like to know your selections by Wednesday morning, April 10 if possible. That will give me time to negotiate what goes where.
Feel free to call me with your first and second choices. 407-353-1236
Thanks to all for your help in getting this shipment together!
Coming Together, Falling Apart 48" x 36"
(Kim Sumner in Orlando would like this painting)
Baisden and Arts on Douglas like it too
Underground Connections 48" x 48"
(Kim Sumner in Orlando would like this painting)
This painting is currently at Hillary Whitaker Gallery. I'll see if they can deliver it to you—or at least get it to Arts on Douglas and you can pick it up there.
Shadow and Substance 48" x 48"
(Susan Baisden in Tampa would like this painting)
Arts on Douglas wants it too
Standing Alone 48" x 48"
(Susan Baisden in Tampa would like this painting)
Arts on Douglas wants it too
Dancing the Light Fantastic 48x48
(Susan Baisden in Tampa would like this painting)
The Spectrum 48" x 36"
(Kim Sumner in Orlando would like this painting)
Remember That Moment 40" x 40"
(Susan Baisden in Tampa would like this painting)
This is coming from Hillary Whitaker Gallery. I'll see if they will deliver to Orlando and then Kim and Susan can arrange from there.
Skipping Lightly Across the Sky 36" x 36"
(Kim Sumner in Orlando would like this painting)
Midnight Rhumba 20 x 20
(Kim Sumner in Orlando would like this painting)